Joyce S | Philippines | | Helperfirst
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Name Joyce

Location Philippines

Last online 8 months ago

Languages English

Hi, I'm Joyce!

I'm Joyce R. Suniga, 30 years old, single, and a Hotel & Restaurant Services graduate. I have worked in restaurants before as a service crew as well as a cook all around. Working abroad is a great challenge but I believe that I have the potential and I have a goal in my life that I want to help my family most especially for my mother's medication due to diabetes. I have to take care of my niece and nephews since my sister is working. Aside from my passion which is singing I also enjoy cooking. Im am willing to learn more recipes and engage in more to develop my skills. Doing household chores like cleaning, doing laundry ironing clothes, washing dishes, and cooking is what I do during the daytime, and also assist my niece prepare their meal and send them to school, I know how to drive a car.

Nationality Filipino

Religion Christianity

Gender Female

Children None

Actively seeking work? Yes

Job Preferences

Preferred Location:

Hong Kong

Day Off:




Share Room:

No, I require my own room

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